An artful repurposing!

We love it when our customers email us or post on social media to share all the ways they're enjoying our handmade granola and muesli, but one customer surprised us: Lisa emailed us to share how she's using the packing peanuts cushioning her online order of our granola!

The eco-friendly peanuts we use to ship our granola are made of corn starch and dissolve instantly in water, meaning they don't add to our landfills. But before disposing of them, this clever customer re-purposed the packing peanuts by turning them into safe, non-toxic art materials for her class of 3- and 4-year-olds with disabilities. With some imagination and a bit of glue, these tiny artists gave new life to our packing peanuts by turning them into fun sculptures!

Thanks for sharing, Lisa--what a great a great way to upcycle our packing material!



Want to share how you've re-purposed our packaging, or how you like to enjoy our granola? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or email us at


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