Baltimore Hunger Project was founded in 2014 to “bridge the weekend hunger gap” by providing weekend food packages to food insecure children who receive free and reduced-price meals at school. I first connected with founder Lynne Kahn early in the COVID-19 pandemic, eager to learn how her program was pivoting in response to school closures and how our Give One for Good Food® program could help.
As I suspected, the need is greater than ever. There are currently 1,500+ food insecure children who rely on the organization’s food distributions each week and COVID-19 related school closures have increased food insecurity for children from low-income households. Without the ability to “discreetly tuck a weekend’s worth of food into backpacks on Fridays” at school, Lynne and team opened COVID-safe distribution sites throughout the area, run entirely by volunteers.
A growing organization with a mission to end childhood hunger, Baltimore Hunger Project also is deeply committed to serving the community in a compassionate and dignified manner. Distribution is discrete, the food is wholesome and an adequate quantity for a full weekend, plus handwritten notes of encouragement are part of the food package, too.
As part of Michele’s Granola’s commitment to donate 1% of all sales to improve access to nutritious food, we made a $10,000 donation to Baltimore Hunger Project. Our donation is providing weekend food packages for 40 Baltimore-area children for the entire 2020-2021 school year.
Thank you, as our customer, for making this donation possible through your purchases. To learn more, visit, and read about Lynne in a recent Baltimore Magazine article featuring 30 women shaping the future of Baltimore.