The First Annual James Dozier Award

Katie, winner of Michele's Granola first annual James Dozier Award

The Michele's Granola team recently took a pause from the regular bustling about the bakery to acknowledge two team members: We honored one employee's exceptional teamwork and dedication, while also commemorating the spirit of our team member James Dozier, who we sadly and suddenly lost in 2023.

The James Dozier Award

James Dozier was a wonderful teammate and person. Our director of operations Paul Manu shared, "He seamlessly fit into our company culture and was always eager to assist others, even if it meant coming in on another shift to train new teammates. He dedicated himself to mastering his craft and became the go-to person for guidance. Despite his quiet demeanor, he cherished a good laugh. He epitomized the ideal employee." Named in memory of our late team member, the James Dozier Award serves as a reminder of his impact on our bakery and the community.

Katie, our first James Dozier Award winner at Michele's Granola

Meet Our Winner

We asked members of our production team to nominate individuals who'd been with Michele's Granola for a year or more who personified positivity, excellent teamwork and leadership. On the decision-making process, Paul said, "Deliberations for a finalist were intense, but the team unanimously agreed on Katie," a Bakery Production Associate who started with us in June of 2022. "She brings joy to any shared space with her unique perspective on details, which is enlightening in our fast-paced operation." It's worth noting that while Katie won, her teammate Barrett was a close second. 

Handmade mug for the James Dozier Award winner

Kelly, our Recruitment and Wellness Manager shared, "Having hired most of our staff, I get to make a personal connection with each employee. Katie being nominated by her peers for this award was the perfect fit to carry on James' memory and spirit. I'm personally so proud of her and Barrett. I know James would be humbled to have them carry on his legacy within these bakery walls."

When asked what she likes best about working in the bakery, Katie shared she enjoys the fast pace of the work and her "great teammates." And her answer to the most important question, her favorite Michele's Granola flavor, is Cocoa Chocolate Chip.

Join us in congratulating Katie on her achievement! Meet her along with the rest of our team here.

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